小铎的宝藏 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 欧美综艺 2013

导演: Sebastian Barfield Rachel Jardine


  As Hampton Court Palace celebrates its 500th anniversary in 2015, BBC Two brings a key event from the iconic building’s history vividly to life - the christening of Henry’s son and heir Prince Edward, the future Edward VI.
  With so few surviving buildings left associated with events from this period of British history and the reign of Henry VIII, Lucy Worsley and David Starkey offer audiences an unprecedented insight into Henry VIII’s world. Focusing on the events of 15 October 1537, A Night At Hampton Court Palace will recreate the occasion that was a culmination of nearly three decades of Henry’s rule - the birth of a male heir. As Lucy and David eavesdrop across time, they reveal how Henry’s household came together to create an event that would have been perceived as almost magical by those who witnessed it.
  They will recreate the 90-person grand procession that would have transported baby Edward to his torch-lit christening service. This was the best recorded occasion staged at Hampton Court during Henry's VIII's reign, and the detailed records allow Lucy and David to show how this great celebration used every part of the palace, from the royal apartments to the kitchens to the Chapel Royal.
  Offering a unique opportunity to reveal how the many elements of court life would have been brought together, from art to architecture, religion and music, A Night At Hampton Court Palace will capture a pageant that was deeply political but also carefully stage-managed piece of performance art.


  • 姬茂才 0小时前 :


  • 卫伊然 5小时前 :

    套路刻意的剧情 生硬尴尬的演技 拙劣粗糙的模仿 仓促突兀的推进 矫揉造作的文艺 诗情画意的场景 清新明媚的色调 悠扬婉转的旋律 缠绵悱恻的诗歌 前所未有的突破

  • 侯鹏涛 1小时前 :


  • 少宛儿 4小时前 :


  • 卫照反 1小时前 :

    一个搞IT的身体素质这么好, 爬山跳崖跳车打架,太NB了

  • 卫亘峰 0小时前 :


  • 卫裕峰 4小时前 :


  • 奈问寒 0小时前 :


  • 强信 7小时前 :


  • 哈子安 0小时前 :

    珠玉在前 没有对比就没有伤害 虽然在池塘和浴缸里还是蛮美的 而且另一条线也确实可以引发一些思考 再加了一星 有的时候就是会因为主观上的偏好而有不平衡的色彩|XX不要扑向直女的大火了谢谢

  • 召平卉 5小时前 :


  • 不翠芙 8小时前 :

    女主好勇 赞 女主未婚夫不能等攀岩到山顶了再求婚吗

  • 敬书君 7小时前 :

    5.5 好像有点意思,又没多大意思,作为“异乡人”的既视感倒是挺强烈的。

  • 后斯雅 1小时前 :


  • 丹凡霜 6小时前 :


  • 岚格 9小时前 :


  • 卫曾浩 7小时前 :


  • 坚曼珠 2小时前 :

    4.2/10 21/08/13

  • 占倩丽 5小时前 :


  • 卫文华 6小时前 :



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