
  To win the hand of the caliph of Bagdad’s daughter (played by Julanne Johnston), a thief (Fairbanks) embarks on a dangerous and mystical journey to secure the most desirable treasure imaginable.
  The film was a popular success, and Fairbanks made women swoon as one of the screen’s first superstars. Known for his dashing demeanour and incredible stunts, Fairbanks, who would also routinely contribute to the scripts of his films under the pseudonym Elton Thomas, actually created the story for this version of The Thief of Bagdad and included types of special effects and production design never previously seen by audiences. The film was remade several times, of which the most notable is the 1940 British film directed by Ludwig Berger, Michael Powell, and Tim Whelan.


  • 瞿青梦 1小时前 :


  • 昕曦 5小时前 :


  • 馨楠 2小时前 :


  • 邹怜阳 5小时前 :

    Evan Hansen竟然不是基,我有太多音乐剧要补了!还是没搞懂他们唱歌的时候,电影里旁边的人也和我一样看到他们在唱吗?三个从booksmart认识的妹子都在今年看到了她们的作品,可以说是新生代中流砥柱了。妈咪AA唱歌,我梦回enchanted。

  • 腾婉仪 5小时前 :

    主角Ben Platt唱功了得,而且这部虽然根据百老汇音乐剧改编,但是少数我觉得更适合改编成电影的音乐剧。原因是涉及青少年故事,电影可以更容易接触到年轻人,引发共鸣和讨论,也更容易呈现片中起到重要作用的社交网络。故事用很有创意的方式探讨了困扰很多年轻人的抑郁症和校园霸凌。其实对家长和青少年重视身心健康有很重要意义。看的几次眼眶湿润。卡司也很优秀。

  • 象紫雪 6小时前 :

    the story is complete, it's a pity that the suspense is illogical, there is no tips about the darkness of Kaya Kiyohara, the detective is also unprofessional, the story showed the poor people how to live, the darkness of the society is not exposed enough, the surrounding affects people invisible

  • 段干向薇 7小时前 :


  • 星铭 0小时前 :


  • 月涵 1小时前 :

    20220716 311对于经历过的当事人来说,都是一个永远无法忘却的痛。而次生悲剧的产生更是所有人不愿意看到的,但是在当时的整体环境与精神状态下,悲剧就是这样产生了。砂糖从一开始就震撼到我,眼神和姿态完全不不同于以往。在这部回忆和现实大量穿插交替的片子里,他一眼就能让观众看出这是什么时候的他,不得不感叹是天才的演员啊!此外还有一场戏印象深刻,最后在海边砂糖回忆当初,无意中给出了阿部宽寻求已久的答案,阿部宽从惊讶到愤怒、燃起复仇的火焰、平复、释然、宽慰,这些情绪的变化全都写在了眼睛里,精彩至极。

  • 银绮南 5小时前 :


  • 辰锋 3小时前 :


  • 邸冰真 5小时前 :


  • 锦骞 0小时前 :

    Dear Evan Hansen, thank you to give us a chance to know you and Connor Murphy. Everyone has a side of darkness and depression. We see people around us smiling in life, but we don’t see the sorrow moment of their life. You show us that in fact everyone is vulnerable, and we are not alone. So no matter how hard life is, it’s real, don’t let it go.

  • 春依 3小时前 :

    Dear Evan Hansen, you little piece of shit.

  • 那涵润 9小时前 :


  • 道芷雪 9小时前 :

    Thanks for casting a sexy Connor, not cool for a dull Jared

  • 茜雪 9小时前 :


  • 雅昭 7小时前 :


  • 空华楚 7小时前 :

    还是剧版卡司太令人印象深刻了,虽然我很喜欢Ben platt唱歌但这部电影里明星他的状态已经不太适合少年。。。。另外还是Laura dreyfuss的声音更喜欢点。

  • 翠妙旋 1小时前 :



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